The balance between university and work: My path as a dual student

Finding the right balance between study and work as a dual student is really not easy. Work-life balance is important for everyone, but especially for those of us who have both academic and professional commitments. When I started my dual study program in October 2023, I was full of anticipation and also a little nervous. The first few months were intense, and I had to learn how to best manage my time. Today I would like to tell you how I managed this and how esveo supported me.

The beginning: October 2023

My dual study program started in October 2023—an exciting new chapter in my life. But alongside the excitement, there were also many uncertainties. How would I manage to combine work and study? Would I be able to meet the requirements? These questions were constantly on my mind in the first few weeks. Everything was new and uncertain, and I often wondered how I would manage my time and tasks. The combination of work and study was overwhelming at first. I had to learn to organize myself and find a balance. Fitting into a new working environment and understanding my role wasn't easy either. I was worried about whether I would settle in well.

How has esveo helped me with this?

esveo made it easier for me to get started right from the start. In the beginning, you gave me a lot of time to familiarize myself with the processes and the corporate culture. This pace helped me not to feel overwhelmed and to settle in well. The gradual introduction to the team helped me feel welcome and made the work more enjoyable. One of the biggest advantages of esveo is its flexible working hours. This flexibility allows me to perfectly balance my work schedule with my academic commitments. This allows me to give my best in both areas without experiencing stress or burnout.

Regular status quo meetings

Regular meetings were an important part of esveo for me. These meetings gave me the opportunity to clarify issues and discuss problems. In these meetings, I was able to voice any concerns or questions I had about my studies. Together, we found solutions, and I felt understood and supported. In these conversations, we also shared best practices and insights into the world of work. This helped me to better understand what I had learned during my studies and to establish a link between theory and practice.

Valued at esveo

esveo makes sure that I feel valued and not just as cheap labor. This feeling of interest in personal development really encourages me. The working environment motivates me to apply my theoretical knowledge in practice. This mentality not only improves my skills, but also contributes to the success of the company. The positive atmosphere at esveo gives me a strong drive to constantly improve and achieve good results.


Finding the balance between university and work is not easy, especially for dual students. However, with the right support and a flexible working environment, it is possible to grow in both areas. esveo plays a crucial role in guiding me through this challenging journey by making sure you feel valued and motivated. By fostering a supportive and flexible working environment, esveo contributes to my personal and professional development.