A short story about the history and origin of esveo
Discover the story behind esveo and find out how simple Excel solutions became an innovative company for customized software solutions.
At esveo, we develop individual software solutions for our customers and instead of just implementing them, we support them from analyzing the challenges to introducing a digital solution. But why do we do this? How did it all come about and who is esveo?
During my studies, I worked as a freelancer for a company in the automotive industry, developing Excel solutions that were used for global corporate planning. But as it happens, Excel reaches its limits at some point and the opportunity arose to found a company and develop individual business software for an enterprise customer. Exciting, but also challenging, and you can't do it alone.
The first employees, later co-partners and friends, all came from PAUL Consultants, the student consultancy at TU Dresden, where we all got to know each other. But what does esveo actually stand for?
After changing our name twice and a brief legal skirmish with a Silicon Valley corporation, we had it: esveo! not esfeo, eswo or swo (there are always difficulties). esveo stands for "escape velocity": the speed required to escape the gravitational pull of a body, e.g. that of a planet, and take off into the infinite expanse of space. We found this fitting, as we have numerous customers from the corporate environment whose "mass" has a lot of restraining forces and we have the ambition to help our customers to finally take off.what does esveo actually stand for?