Creating an esveo basics knowledge base
When onboarding new people at esveo, we often times explain the same topics. Additionally, questions about further reading resources come up regularly. Depending on who is doing the onboarding and coaching, they have different links in their repertoire that they can share with the team. To streamline this, we want to start our own knowledge base with our own articles and popular articles that we share from other people.
Target audience & topic selection
This collection of articles is targeted mainly at junior developers that are in the beginning of their journey into web development. We will fill them over time with the topics that come up during teaching of our colleagues. As a result, this will not start from zero, but with a bit more specialized topics where people might need input in their day to day live as an employed junior developer. Maybe we will have a comprehensive guide that we can completely follow when introducing someone into the word of JavaScript, HTML & CSS.
Infrastructure & Tooling
- What is a bundler: Learn why we use tools like Vite or Webpack, what their responsibilities are and what implications they have for our day to day work.
- How to update dependencies correctly: Lern what is important when updating dependencies and which tools can be used to do this quickly and easily
- What are lockfiles: Learn what lockfiles are and why they are also important for the joint development of a project.
- TypeScript – the what and why. Coming soon
Databases as locks, heap tables and more — results of the latest hackathon

Andreas Roth
Using Baseline: A glance at Cross-Browser Feature Support

Nick Schneider
Loki Time Master - A service to enable time tracking for teams in Notion

Robert Kramer
Beyond Basic Filters: Date Multi-Select Filters

Johann Roth
Peeking behind Abstractions at DecompileD Conference in Dresden

Andreas Roth
We Tried a Code Retreat

Jonathan Frere
Medusa - yet another new eCommerce CMS or a strong modular alternative?

Julien Seerig
WebGPU - More Than Just Graphics

Paul Dittrich
Let’s build a simple math expression parser

Philipp Dehler
Beyond Basic Filters: Rethinking Multi-Select Filter State

Johann Roth
From margin calculation to order planning: data as the basis for decisions in eCommerce (eCommerce Data & Decisions Part 1)

Robert Kramer
React Day 2024

Team esveo